LGBTQ+ Students

We celebrate the vibrant diversity within the LGBTQIA+ community and support students in deepening their sense of community and belonging at Seattle University.

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Welcome LGBTQ+ Students

The MOSAIC Center provides a safe and inviting environment that supports students' ability to explore, evolve and embrace the complexities of their gender identity and sexuality. We host social events and educational programs, provide resources to access gender affirming products, and more. 

Student Groups

Gender Justice Center

The Gender Justice Center is a student-led organization that provides social support and resources for women, trans folks, and gender-queer students, especially students of color, on SU’s campus. As a center we are focused on creating a space where anyone can come to learn about current issues/ways to resist and to receive support without facing judgment for not knowing. We seek to strengthen the community through providing a liberating space where folks can grow and make mistakes without judgment. We value collaboration, open-mindedness, love, dignity, and transformative justice. Instagram: genderjusticesu Location: Chardin 141

Triangle Club

Seattle University's Triangle Club is a social space that provides resources for the queer community and its allies. This club meets weekly and also coordinates the annual SU Drag Show each spring. Discord: Instagram: su_triangleclub

Housing and Residence Life is dedicated to providing safe, comfortable, and supportive living environments for all students, including those whose gender identity and/or expression differs from the gender assigned to them at birth.

Please visit the Housing and Residence Life page to read more about our Gender Inclusive Housing Policy.

If a student needs additional assistance, they may contact Housing and Residence Life for guidance in finding a housing assignment or roommate. 

Trans Advocacy and Support Organizations

  • Gender Justice League Our mission is to empower Trans activists and our allies to fight oppression based on gender & sexuality in Washington State and to create a community where trans people can live their lives safely, true to themselves, and free from discrimination.
  • Ingersoll Gender Center  supports transgender people toward growth and well-being. We provide support, education, advocacy, and information resources for people interested in gender identity issues, and for service providers, employers, families and friends as well, in order to promote understanding, awareness and acceptance of gender diversity.

General LGBTQ Organizations

  • The Pride Foundation connects, inspires and strengthens the Pacific Northwest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community in pursuit of equality. We accomplish this in rural and urban areas by awarding grants and scholarships and cultivating leaders. The Pride Foundation and the Greater Seattle Business Association distribute more than $350,000 in scholarships. You only need to complete one application for more than 50 scholarships! 
  • Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) promotes the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered persons, their families and friends through support, education, and advocacy.
  • Lambert House is a center for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning youth and their allies that encourages empowerment through the development of leadership, social and life skills.
  • The local Lifelong AIDS Alliance is committed to preventing the spread of HIV, and to providing practical support services and advocating for those whose lives are affected by HIV and AIDS.
  • Gay City is a multicultural gay men's health organization and the premiere provider of HIV and STD testing in King County.
  • The NW Network of Bisexual, Trans, Lesbian, and Gay Survivors of abuse works to end violence and abuse by building loving and equitable relationships in our community and across the country.
  • Sunshine Behavioral Health provides information and resources relating to mental health and addiction, especially on how it affects the transgender community.

Culturally-Specific & Youth LGBTQ Organizations

  • Queer Youth Space produces youth-led queer spaces in Seattle that are organic, aware, and committed to social justice.
  • People Of Color Against Aids Network (POCAAN) is a multi-cultural AIDS prevention organization created in response to the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS on communities of color.
  • API Chaya-aims to address and prevent intimate partner violence in our communities.
  • Consejo counseling offers mental health and chemical dependency services for the Latin@ communities.
  • Asian Counseling and Referral Services  (ACRS)offers human service and behavior health services for Asian Pacific Americans.
  • Entre Hermanos promotes the health and well-being of the Latino Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and questioning community in a culturally appropriate environment through disease prevention, education, support services, advocacy and community building.
  • Trikone Northwest is a supportive, empowering, and affirming community for LGBTQ and differently-oriented South Asians in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Zenyu Healing cultivates the holistic well-being and leadership of LGBTQ People of Color through meditation classes, wilderness excursions, and spiritual retreats.

Gender inclusive restrooms are one way that Seattle University works to respect the dignity of each person by providing inclusive and safe space for trans and gender nonconforming students, faculty, staff and community members.


A gender inclusive restroom, sometimes called a gender neutral restroom, or a single use restroom is a restroom that anyone of any gender can use. These restrooms can benefit many different people, including parents with differently gendered children, people with disabilities who may require the accompaniment of an attendant of a different gender, and trans and gender non-conforming people. At Seattle University, each of the gender inclusive restrooms are single use. Restrooms are lockable rooms with a toilet and sink, for use by one individual at a time.

Gender inclusive restrooms are one way that Seattle University works to respect the dignity of each person by providing inclusive and safe space for trans and gender non-conforming students, faculty, staff and community members. If you have any questions about gender inclusive restrooms at Seattle University, please contact 

Locations: Download our campus map for Gender Inclusive Restroom - SU Campus Map (PDF)

Future of gender inclusive restrooms at Seattle University:

All new construction at Seattle University incorporates the inclusion of gender inclusive restrooms, in addition to restrooms designated for male and female users. As funds and zoning permits, more existing restrooms will be converted to gender inclusive restrooms to increase availability and access.

Seattle University‘s Student Health Center appreciates the diversity of our students in gender identity, gender expression and orientation.  Furthermore, we are aware that all individuals have unique and distinct identities, cultural and psychosocial characteristics and health care vulnerabilities that should be addressed by health care providers.  We are proud to offer the following services to our students: general physicals, pap smears, diagnosis and treatment of acute illness such as colds, flu, headaches etc., management of chronic medical problems, treatment of injuries and skin problems, STD and pregnancy testing, medication management for mental health concerns, immunizations, allergy shots, and laboratory services.  Trans/gender non-conforming individuals often have needs for hormonal or surgical therapies and these needs are best provided by a specialty team.  At the Student Health Center, we are prepared to assist with maintenance therapy, such as refilling medications and ordering appropriate laboratory tests and can refer for any specialized treatment that is needed. 

For more information please visit the Student Health Center Website.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Seattle University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, political ideology or status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran in the administration of any of its education policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletics, and other school-administered policies and programs, or in its employment related policies and practices. In addition, the University does not discriminate on the basis of genetic information in its employment related policies and practices, including coverage under its health benefits program.

All University policies, practices and procedures are administered in a manner consistent with Seattle University's Catholic and Jesuit identity and character. Inquiries relating to these policies may be referred to the University's Vice President for Human Resources and University Services and Equal Opportunity Officer at (206) 296-5870.

Consistent with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulations, Seattle University has designated three individuals responsible for coordinating the University's Title IX complia

nce. Students or employees with concerns or complaints about discrimination on the basis of sex in employment or an education program or activity may contact any one of the Title IX coordinators.

Local Laws:

The Washington Law Against Discrimination (WLAD) protects people from discrimination based on gender expression or actual or perceived gender identity in these areas:

  • places of public accommodation (i.e., places that serve the public), including restaurants, hotels, and public schools;
  • housing, including the renting, buying, and selling of homes;
  • employment, specifically in state, municipal, and private workplaces with eight or more employees;
  • the extension of credit;
  • and insurance transactions.

ACLU of Washington Foundation, The Rights Of Transgender People in Washington State

Records and Identity Documents

For legal name and or preferred name changes, please visit the Seattle University Registrar's Office website to complete the Student Update form here.

Processing of a Student Update Form for a gender change does not require documentation.

Note: Starting this Fall, students will be able to update both Chosen Name & Pronouns in mySeattleU, for more information and frequently asked questions see the most recent Chosen Name and Pronouns Update.

people sitting together at a table

Queer Friendsgiving

Queer Friendsgiving is an annual community event for students to share a meal, have some fun, and be in the company of chosen family and friends around the Thanksgiving holiday. Queer Friendsgiving is space that centers the experiences of the diverse LGBTQIA+ community, and it is open to all students.

Check out our events on ConnectSU!

decorations at lavender celebration

Lavender Celebration

Lavender Celebration is our annual end-of-year celebration where we honor and celebrate our graduating students’ brilliance, resilience, and strength as a community. This celebration centers the accomplishments and experiences of our graduating students in the queer community. We invite all graduating students, families, friends, colleagues, and supporters to join us at Lavender Celebration.

LGBTQ+ Student Resources & Programs

The PL is a community space dedicated to creating a sense of community and belonging for students in the LGBTQIA+ community. In the PL, you will find fun and light-hearted programs, reflective and educational conversations, club meetings and more. The PL is located in Student Center 390.

As part of our commitment to cura personalis, or care for the whole person, we have expanded our services for students who specifically identify as part of the Trans community, which includes those who are transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming. The Gender Affirmation Support & Products Program provides resources and staff support for students who are navigating gender transition.

To learn more about this resource and/or to inquire about receiving support, students can schedule a meeting via Bookings.

  • Transitioning – The process in which a trans or nonbinary person begins to live as their gender identity. It may include changing one’s name, taking hormones, having surgery, and/or altering legal documents. Transitioning means very different things to different people. There is no right way to transition, and each trans person has their own path. There are different types of transition:
  • Social Transition – a social transition includes transition from one gender to another by changing mannerisms, dress, hair, pronouns, name, and a variety of other means. A social transition involves elements of a transition that are not necessarily medical or legal.
  • Legal Transition – the process of changing how one’s gender is represented on legal documents, inclusive of one’s birth certificate, driver’s license, social security, insurance, and/or passport. Many countries and US states have legal barriers that make it expensive and difficult for trans people to legally transition. 
  • Medical Transition – a medical transition may include hormones and/or surgeries.

Source: Michigan State University, Gender and Sexuality Campus Center


Note: We decided to use the term trans/transgender to be as inclusive as possible of the diversity of gender identities and expressions in our campus community. We use trans/transgender as an umbrella term to describe those of many gender identities of those who do not identify or exclusively identify with their sex assigned at birth, including those who are genderfluid, trans masculine, trans feminine, genderqueer, nonbinary, two spirit, androgynous and may exist between and beyond binary gender constructs.

Initiative designed to increase visibility and awareness of various identities and experiences within the LGBTQIA+ community. Previous programs include Trans Awareness Week and Aromantic Awareness Week. 

We invite all students, staff, and faculty to join us for our quarterly brunch time gathering that is focused on creating community, connection and fun! This is a space that centers queer students and features food from local queer or minority-owned businesses.

Contact Us!

To learn more about our LGBTQ student programs and resources, contact AshLee Day at or schedule time with our staff via Bookings!